Monday, April 28, 2008

All Hail The Coming Of "Artistic Boarding"

"Artistic Boards," click for article.

Brian, the reporter from Minn Post, directed me to this article about "artistic boards" coming soon to North Minneapolis, courtesy of an artist who somehow made Gary, Indiana look good. (I've been there as a driver on behalf of Bio Corporation and I say "no small feat.")

Click here to get really "board."

I'm excited about this and hoping it hits blocks with the most boards first, instead of blocks with the most "political pull." My "virtual friend" Constance The Real Estate Agent told me she is worried about Minneapolis becoming too comfortable with the boarded up buildings if something like this "artistic boarding" happens.

Good point. Duly noted.

I also think the artists among us should say, "Putting my art on the boards is part of adopting the buildings so here I go, woooooooooooo."

But when I say "art," clearly I don't mean "tagging." This guy makes abandoned movie theaters look like they still sell tickets. THAT is what we need, not more of this juvenile tagger crap making shrill and desperate claims to being "street art."

OK, yeah. Some of it is "art," but most of it surely ain't. And if I see that kind of crap, I'll be making my own "board art" called "Return Gray Sky."

(Do not click "Read More")

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